I remember, I was about 10 I think, sitting at a fourth of July parade in the town we lived in. I was sitting on my fathers shoulders and in awe at the crowd and the cheering that came from them. As each band came by it was the same until the Military came by holding the United States Flag along with our State flag and then each flag for the branch's of service. The crowd erupted and I had to cover my ears. I looked down and saw my dad wipe a tear from his face. That stuck with me for years and I always remembered that.
A few years later when I was in high-school one of my favorite classes along with journalism was Government. We were given an assignment on writing on what being an American meant to us. I figured that the best place to start was with the memory of that day on the fourth of July.
I asked my dad about it and he was of course shocked that I saw that, let alone remembered it. I asked him why the crowd was like that, I already knew the answer, and why he cried. I did not have an answer to that...yet.
As well as I can, I will try to recall what he said next verbatim. "Son", he said, "Lots of men women and children have died for this country. This country was built with the blood, sweat and tears of its people and the suffering has been incredible."
He continued, "When I grew up it was not too many decades after the Civil War. My grandfather fought for the South and lost his left leg fighting for what he believed in at the time be it right or wrong. He never held a grudge to the North and some of the best friends he had before he died were from the North. He told me that one thing that both sides had in common was their belief in God and country and in the principles that this country were founded upon."
"Before he died he told me that no matter what that the founders of this country had it right. That its people make this country what it is and do so with limited Government. He said that he realized over the years that the Government caused the Civil war and not necessarily its people. They drew a line in the sand and then you had to choose which side to be on. Then the Governments on both sides made it worse with the propaganda. In the end he said that we all have lost."
"I realized that day that I love my country as much as I love my family and myself, when he died. I would do anything within my ability do defend her and the principles on which she was built. I had the opportunity when WWII erupted. I served in Europe and fought in the Battle of the Bulge. During my time overseas I saw things that no man should ever have to see. Those are stories I will share with you some other time."
"Towards the end of the war I was assigned to a German POW camp.While I was there I was befriended by a German Soldier. Over the course of a few months we became close enough that we shared our stories about how we ended up where we were at. After many discussions we both realized that we both were fighting for the same thing. Our Governments and what they were being told they stood for. We were both right depending whose eyes you were looking out of. In the end we were no different."
"So to the reason that I cried that day. The reason that I cried is of course for the love of country but I cried and still do mostly due to the realization that as I have seen the years go buy and another death occurs in the name of the USA or any country is that in the end we the people are the country. Not our Government. That is why our founding fathers did everything they could to ensure that the Government had limited control. I cried because I have seen the people we have elected turn this Nation into something it is not meant to be and it just continues to get worse each decade. I cry because I know that one day, this country will be lost if it continues if we let our country be its Government. A Nation is its people and not its Government."
After my dad finished I was emotional myself. I realized then and even more so now that he was right. Our country has become a Government and not its people. That is why our founding fathers said, "we the people, in order to form a more perfect union..."
I believe when they pinned these words they had themselves and the people in mind and the union was meant to be between its people and the Government.
Today we our know globally by our Governments actions and the few men and women that are visible within its offices. We are not know by us, the people.
Today I fear that with our recent election of Mr. Obama we have sealed our fate and that the only way to undo what is happening is by revolution. I do not mean force unless it is a last resort. What I do mean is to gather together and have our voices heard across the world that we will not succumb to these changes. We will not allow our country to be lead to the path of Socialism. We will not allow this country to be know for its Government and demand that it be know once again for its people.
God Bless the United States of America and its PEOPLE...
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